const expect = require('expect.js') const co = require('co') const describe = require('mocha').describe const it = require('mocha').it const Pool = require('../') describe('maxUses', () => { it( 'can create a single client and use it once', co.wrap(function* () { const pool = new Pool({ maxUses: 2 }) expect(pool.waitingCount).to.equal(0) const client = yield pool.connect() const res = yield client.query('SELECT $1::text as name', ['hi']) expect(res.rows[0].name).to.equal('hi') client.release() pool.end() }) ) it( 'getting a connection a second time returns the same connection and releasing it also closes it', co.wrap(function* () { const pool = new Pool({ maxUses: 2 }) expect(pool.waitingCount).to.equal(0) const client = yield pool.connect() client.release() const client2 = yield pool.connect() expect(client).to.equal(client2) expect(client2._ending).to.equal(false) client2.release() expect(client2._ending).to.equal(true) return yield pool.end() }) ) it( 'getting a connection a third time returns a new connection', co.wrap(function* () { const pool = new Pool({ maxUses: 2 }) expect(pool.waitingCount).to.equal(0) const client = yield pool.connect() client.release() const client2 = yield pool.connect() expect(client).to.equal(client2) client2.release() const client3 = yield pool.connect() expect(client3) client3.release() return yield pool.end() }) ) it( 'getting a connection from a pending request gets a fresh client when the released candidate is expended', co.wrap(function* () { const pool = new Pool({ max: 1, maxUses: 2 }) expect(pool.waitingCount).to.equal(0) const client1 = yield pool.connect() pool.connect().then((client2) => { expect(client2).to.equal(client1) expect(pool.waitingCount).to.equal(1) // Releasing the client this time should also expend it since maxUses is 2, causing client3 to be a fresh client client2.release() }) const client3Promise = pool.connect().then((client3) => { // client3 should be a fresh client since client2's release caused the first client to be expended expect(pool.waitingCount).to.equal(0) expect(client3) return client3.release() }) // There should be two pending requests since we have 3 connect requests but a max size of 1 expect(pool.waitingCount).to.equal(2) // Releasing the client should not yet expend it since maxUses is 2 client1.release() yield client3Promise return yield pool.end() }) ) it( 'logs when removing an expended client', co.wrap(function* () { const messages = [] const log = function (msg) { messages.push(msg) } const pool = new Pool({ maxUses: 1, log }) const client = yield pool.connect() client.release() expect(messages).to.contain('remove expended client') return yield pool.end() }) ) })