set meta-flag on set input-meta on set output-meta on set convert-meta off set completion-ignore-case on set completion-prefix-display-length 2 set show-all-if-ambiguous on set show-all-if-unmodified on # Arrow keys match what you've typed so far against your command history "\e[A": history-search-backward "\e[B": history-search-forward "\e[C": forward-char "\e[D": backward-char # Immediately add a trailing slash when autocompleting symlinks to directories set mark-symlinked-directories on # Do not autocomplete hidden files unless the pattern explicitly begins with a dot set match-hidden-files off # Show all autocomplete results at once set page-completions off # If there are more than 200 possible completions for a word, ask to show them all set completion-query-items 200 # Show extra file information when completing, like `ls -F` does set visible-stats on $if Bash # Be more intelligent when autocompleting by also looking at the text after # the cursor. For example, when the current line is "cd ~/src/mozil", and # the cursor is on the "z", pressing Tab will not autocomplete it to "cd # ~/src/mozillail", but to "cd ~/src/mozilla". (This is supported by the # Readline used by Bash 4.) set skip-completed-text on # Coloring for Bash 4 tab completions. set colored-stats on $endif