# espanso configuration file

# For a complete introduction, visit the official docs at: https://espanso.org/docs/

# You can use this file to define the global configuration options for espanso.
# These are the parameters that will be used by default on every application,
# but you can also override them on a per-application basis.

# To make customization easier, this file contains some of the commonly used
# parameters. Feel free to uncomment and tune them to fit your needs!

# --- Toggle key

# Customize the key used to disable and enable espanso (when double tapped)
# Available options: CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, CMD, OFF
# You can also specify the key variant, such as LEFT_CTRL, RIGHT_SHIFT, etc...
# toggle_key: ALT
# You can also disable the toggle key completely with
# toggle_key: OFF

# --- Injection Backend

# Espanso supports multiple ways of injecting text into applications. Each of
# them has its quirks, therefore you may want to change it if you are having problems.
# By default, espanso uses the "Auto" backend which should work well in most cases,
# but you may want to try the "Clipboard" or "Inject" backend in case of issues.
# backend: Clipboard

# --- Auto-restart

# Enable/disable the config auto-reload after a file change is detected.
# auto_restart: false

# --- Clipboard threshold

# Because injecting long texts char-by-char is a slow operation, espanso automatically
# uses the clipboard if the text is longer than 'clipboard_threshold' characters.
clipboard_threshold: 500
# For a list of all the available options, visit the official docs at: https://espanso.org/docs/
show_icon: false