/** * Below are the colors that are used in the app. The colors are defined in the light and dark mode. * There are many other ways to style your app. For example, [Nativewind](https://www.nativewind.dev/), [Tamagui](https://tamagui.dev/), [unistyles](https://reactnativeunistyles.vercel.app), etc. */ const tintColorLight = '#0a7ea4'; const tintColorDark = '#fff'; export const Colors = { light: { text: '#11181C', background: '#fff', tint: tintColorLight, icon: '#687076', tabIconDefault: '#687076', tabIconSelected: tintColorLight, }, dark: { text: '#ECEDEE', background: '#2e2f3d', tint: tintColorDark, icon: '#9BA1A6', tabIconDefault: '#9BA1A6', tabIconSelected: tintColorDark, }, };