import "server-only"; import { db } from "~/server/db"; import { sql } from "drizzle-orm"; // Function to Get Employees export const getEmployees = async () => { return await db.query.users.findMany({ orderBy: (model, { asc }) => asc(, }); }; // Function to Update Employee Status using Raw SQL export const updateEmployeeStatus = async (employeeIds: number[], newStatus: string) => { try { // Convert array of ids to a format suitable for SQL query (comma-separated string) const idString = employeeIds.join(","); // Prepare the raw SQL query with embedded variables const query = ` UPDATE users SET status = '${newStatus}', updatedAt = '${new Date().toISOString()}' WHERE id IN (${idString}) `; // Execute the raw SQL query using the execute method await db.execute(sql`${query}`); return { success: true }; } catch (error) { console.error("Error updating employee status:", error); throw new Error("Failed to update status"); } };